Italy is well known for its outstanding design and fashion creations. Germany is acknowledged for its thoroughness and efficiency. Jacobs GmbH, based in the Hessian town of Eppertshausen, manages to combine the best of both worlds. Specializing in the production and distribution of leather for accessories, the company unites Italian creativity with typical German values. „This combination is unique in our market and our greatest asset,“ says CEO Michael Jacobs. Drawing on a solid market position in Germany, the company now aims to enhance its international footprint.

CEO Michael Jacobs believes in the company’s growth potential
“ ‘Italian fashion – German style’ – this is our slogan,“ says Mr. Jacobs. „We unite Italian fashion, innovations and creativity with German quality consciousness, continuity and production efficiency. This is an excellent symbiosis and makes us a sought-after partner in our industry. In fact, we are the ideal partner for producers of accessories as we meet even the highest expectations in terms of fashion, technical processing, flexibility and service.“
The strategy is paying off. Jacobs draws on a long reference list of renowned names such as Gucci, Porsche, Mercedes, Lloyds or Paul Green. The company services clients from the shoe, leather, belt and watch strap industries, from the bookbindery market as well as from the global accessories industry.
At present, Germany is the most important market. In order to expand its network, the company began to develop other European markets recently.
„We are quite successful already in the Netherlands, in Portugal and in Italy,“ says the CEO. „Also, we would like to gain ground in France, in Eastern Europe and in the USA. Our market is a global market focusing on the upper end.“
The product range of Jacobs encompasses a wide range of finishes and designs in calf and cow hide. A selection of synthetic materials and fabric types completes the company’s product portfolio.
„We buy our raw material worldwide,“ says Mr. Jacobs. „Then, it is processed by contract manufacturers according to our exact specifications. Thanks to our contract manufacturing concept we are able to offer such a broad portfolio. The whole production is taking place in Europe. This is another asset for us. We see a strong back-trend towards European production. For many of our clients, fair production conditions, sustainability and emission control have become important arguments.“
Jacobs was founded by Michael Jacobs’ father in 1962. In the beginning, he used to trade leather to the furniture industry. Under the management of Michael Jacobs and his brother Bernd, the company was transformed from a mere trading business into a producer.
„We would definitely like to grow our business in the coming years,“ says Mr. Jacobs. „I am positive that there is much more growth potential for us, especially abroad, but of course, we will not neglect our regular customers. In the long run, we would like to achieve export figures around 80% – without losing sight of the domestic market. I believe this is a realistic goal.“